Main Line Charging

Incentives and Tax Credits for your EV and EV Charger



If you are in the market for a new vehicle this may be the right time to consider purchasing your first electric vehicle. Currently, Pennsylvania residents are being offered incentives from the state as well as the federal government to help make the switch to fully electric or gas-saving hybrid cars. The rebates and tax breaks may also apply to the purchase of an EV charger and for the EV charger installation. You could also be given another financial break by your utility company if you recharge your car at night.

Property owners that install public commercial charging stations may be eligible for rebates. Electric car charging can attract more traffic to your business, improve tenant or employee satisfaction and retention, and generate a new revenue stream (fees for in a new tab)charging).

Pennsylvania offers rebates on Electric Vehicles and Home & Business Charging Stations.

For Electric Vehicles:

For Charging Stations:

The Federal Government has tax rebates available. Below are links to the IRS website with instructions and forms to submit with annual tax return.

For Electric Vehicles: Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicle Credit (IRC 30D):

For Charging Stations: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit

